A new MCS-20 Mobile Calibration System from F&S Bondtec Semiconductor
Bondtec offers a new MCS-20 for bond force calibration for bond weights up to 2,500 gf. The software-supported calibration enables the observation of force overtime as well as the observation of temperature overtime. CSV and PDF files can be exported to document the results.
With the Mobile Calibration System https://www.fsbondtec.at/product/mcs-20-1lb/?lang=en from F&S BONDTEC, easy and quick calibration of bond forces gets possible. With the appropriate Bondstar software, the bond force can be calibrated automatically without operator intervention. The temperature profile of the substrate or component holder is recorded by an external temperature sensor. The temperatures are determined and compensation can be carried out this way.
Due to the compact design, the unit can be assembled and disassembled quickly. The MCS-20 is operated via USB and can therefore be used on classic PCs or directly on Bondtec bonders. The measuring itself can be done on battery power as well.
The software can also be used to perform a MCA (machine capability analysis) for the bond weight. The results can be exported in .CSV and .PDF formats. The operation of the software can be learned intuitively within minutes.
Details can be found in Bondtec online shop at www.fsbondtec.at/shop.